Beth Daniel Jones, founder of Best Healing Solutions and co-founder of Quantum Techniques, recently did an interview with a Canadian author. The interview will become a 4-part series about spirituality and consciousness and how these two things relate to Best Healing Solutions (BHS) energy medicine, and the healing of disease.

*Note: As an aside, changes that people make in their diet, water, cleaning products, supplements and exercise are also important to healing. There are many Best Healing Solutions’ YouTube videos and blog posts that discuss these things. However, this series of blogs will primarily focus on the spiritual and consciousness aspect of healing.


Part 1: Defining the Problem

Bruce Lipton is a cellular biologist and teacher. He gives a simple and concise explanation for the reason people develop diseases of the body or mind. He states that disease is caused when people are in a state of stress, protection, or fear.

He goes on to say that when people are in a state of positivity, gratitude, and love, they will be in a state of wellness. (It is beyond the scope of this blog post, but you might want to read Lipton’s book The Biology of Belief if you are interested in learning more about epigenetics—the study and learning of how genes are switched off or on, depending on if people are in a state of fear or love.)

Especially interesting to note is that Lipton argues that only removing stress will get a person to a state of “zero” or neutral on the scale of disease/wellness. If you really want to get to a state of wellness and healing, he argues that people need to move up the scale by experiencing joy and love.

Lipton’s description relates closely to what Best Healing Solutions does for people and how Beth describes the two-fold help it provides—finding and dealing with the reasons for disease in individuals, and then showing the client the route and path to healthy emotions, love, and reconnection to the Divine, so that the healing can become permanent.

When people come to BHS they typically have chronic physical and/or emotional issues. Beth explains that underlying many of these problems are old traumas and conscious and subconscious negative beliefs that arise from those traumas. Then again the clients might be in a state of chronic stress—physical or emotional—due to something in the present reality, past events, or concerns about the future.

In some way an BHS practitioner is like a detective. If there is a trauma the practitioner uses self muscle testing to quickly determine the events, whether remembered or forgotten. Also, they test to find out if there was a specific incident, at what age, and if other people were involved. Then they are able to determine if there are conscious or unconscious negative emotions involved. The beliefs about themselves, others and God that came out of an event can be discovered as well.

Several beliefs that people have that lead to illness include: believing God is punishing them, believing that God has abandoned them, and believing that the world is a dangerous place. At the core of every chronic issue, whether physical or mental, is a spiritual problem. Beth explains that to heal permanently the client must move on to the next step, which is to reconnect to the Divine.

BHS makes both of these steps possible through work in consciousness and spirituality. BHS works to clear blocks to the Light. This allows people to have real and powerful connections with the Divine.


Part 2: What is Consciousness and Spirituality?

Beth defines consciousness as coming into the present moment; it requires being awake and aware of things in the now; it means not living in the past that is finished or the future that is yet to happen.

Consciousness is needed to be a spiritual person because to be spiritual is to recognize that the only moment to meet Spirit is in the present. It is not by reading about God, or thinking about him, or remembering something in the past. It is only found in the presence of this moment.

What does spirituality mean? It is a connection to Spirit, or God, or the Divine. Connecting to this Spirit, leads to developing a new way of life. In the process, a person really becomes a “spiritual being having a physical experience.”

Bruce Lipton and others scientists believe that 95% of people’s behavior is unconscious. So, for a person to go on a spiritual journey requires them to become conscious—which means to be fully aware and awake, and to observe self and others. As people become awake and aware they will be more fully in the present moment. They will see, hear, and notice the messages God is sending 24 hours a day.

The level of self—the fearful self—living in old traumas and old beliefs, is the level that led to the disease. Beth explains that something Higher is needed to help solve the problem. Or said another way, the level of thought that created the problem cannot heal it. Positive thoughts or affirmations are not enough to lead to healing. This is a truth agreed upon by other spiritual teachers, like Carolyn Myss, who state that a higher power is needed.

Again, this all might sound good in theory, but how do people actually do this in practice?


Part 3: Reconnection to the Divine

As Beth explains, the path to love requires the removal of fear. The path to love and healing requires a reconnection to Spirit.

Once the trauma has been dealt with, which BHS techniques do very quickly, people are ready to get beyond the point of “zero” or “neutral” and be on to the journey of love and healing. Beth sees this as her primary job, or calling. Or, stated another way, she says that all disease is disconnection from God. By extension, healing is reconnection, and Beth serves to offer a place of love and safety in order to move into this direction. Guy Finley says that “what we pay attention to is what we love.” So if a person is giving all their attention to their illness or problem, they have identified with that label and it will be impossible to “hear God ringing the front door bell.” Beth helps people “hear the door bell,” and then answer it.

The BHS practitioner cannot open the door for the client. God won’t open the door either because people have free choice. This means the client has to open the door. It requires action and a level of self-responsibility. With love, the BHS practitioner can help them get to the place where they are willing and able to open this door. The primary way this is done is by shifting a person from a fear state—healing old trauma—and then moving them into a state of surrender, joy, peace, and love. It’s a state where the client knows that “everything I need is on its way.” In this place, the client believes that the world is safe, and the Divine is loving.

During sessions, BHS practitioners help give people tools to do that, including teaching clients the truth about healing and understanding that they are “not their thoughts” and “not their emotions.” They are encouraged to come to the present moment in gratitude.

By developing new thoughts and beliefs— shifting from fear to love—people’s physical and emotional health shifts.

In a dramatic example, Beth discusses how she worked with a client who had a brain tumor. Using BHS techniques, she discovered that he had rage toward a specific individual and this rage and lack of forgiveness was growing inside of him, specifically in his head. She helped the client work on forgiving the person with whom he was angry, forgiving himself, and healing the trauma that had led to these negative emotions. Beth also helped to guide him to being completely in the present moment and moving along the spectrum of love and connection to God. The result? His tumor shrunk and was gone in two weeks.

This example illustrates that in the end— or perhaps it’s in the beginning?— all healing is reconnection to the Divine.


Part 4: The Physical Body and Spirituality

Does the physical body impede spiritual growth? The answer may be “Yes.” A person can be so focused on the material life that spirituality is ignored and forgotten.

Or perhaps a person is so attached to their disease label that they are identified with it completely—they think about it constantly. Their entire life becomes about managing the disease. Focused on a routine that revolves around a physical illness, there are no opportunities to see hope, joy, God, or the Light.

However, Beth notes that the opposite is also true. Physical pain and sickness, emotional and relationship problems, are all experiences that can lead to a level of suffering that can be unbearable. This forces a person to look at their issues, deal with the circumstances in their lives, and work on becoming conscious. All of which allows them to begin a healing journey which leads to a deeper spiritual life. People with a life of physical ease in regards to material circumstances and health typically tend not to begin a consciousness journey.

Of course, no one needs to seek out difficulties to begin a spiritual journey. There is no glory in looking for pain, being a martyr, or reveling in suffering. However, part of life on earth means that painful circumstances will likely arrive. Not only is learning how to deal with them part of the spiritual journey, it can help a person gain skills to move through other issues and circumstances with greater ease and less suffering.

Beth is certain that a life of self-examination, consciousness, and spirituality can be fun! It not only helps with healing, but it adds a depth to life. It makes for richer experiences. It can become a habit and routine that helps a person see spiritual riches everywhere. By shifting from focusing on pain or illness, people shift to a life and journey of deeper meaning, purpose, and love.

In a round-about-way physical difficulties, emotional issues, and relationship troubles can propel a person on to a spiritual journey so that not only do these problems heal but life becomes better than before disease and when troubles began. This change is more than a bonus on the spiritual journey that can be taken with an BHS practitioner.

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