Kathleen Taplin

Master Best Healing Solutions Practitioner

Office Hours

M, T, Th, F: 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Saturday: 11:00 am – 4:00 pm


319-271-0698 (Call or Text for a Session)


Practitioner Call Rate
$5.83 (USD)/ Minute

About Kathleen


Kathleen’s quest for learning about energy healing started in her early thirties. A friend introduced her to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), taught by Gary Craig. Her first awakening to this technique was when her mother-in-law was in the final stages of a terminal illness. After being guided through the tapping process, she received immediate relief from acute stress and was able to be more present during this difficult time.


Her journey continued after the birth of her daughter, who struggled with chronic colic and sleeping difficulties. A chiropractor helped relieve symptoms for her daughter through energy healing, and Kathleen felt she needed more awareness of this approach to overall well-being.
She also was guided to Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET), which proved to be life changing for Kathleen and her family.
Later, she would be introduced to Quantum Techniques, which provided an even more extensive examination and treatment of various emotional and physical imbalances. Through this modality, Kathleen and her family continued to receive invaluable help in various areas of their lives.
Body Code and Emotion Code, as taught by Dr. Bradley Nelson, DC, was the next modality discovered by Kathleen. As her awareness and understanding of energy healing grew from various modalities and practitioners, Kathleen felt compelled to delve even more deeply into energy healing. The level of physical help and spiritual harmony she received was so profound that it inspired her to become a practitioner herself. She became Emotion Code and Body Code certified in 2020. As her awareness and knowledge in this field increased, Kathleen became fully aware that her calling in this life was to help guide others through their own personal healing journey processes.
The discovery of Best Healing Solutions proved to be a culmination of Kathleen’s pursuit in attaining her highest, truest self. Having a perpetual thirst for knowledge, her training to become a Master Practitioner for Best Healing Solutions challenged, inspired and satisfied her need for a deeper understanding of the human experience. Kathleen is excited to partner with clients to re-balance the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and relational aspects of their life’s journey.
Most recently, Kathleen trained in animal communication from beginner through advanced levels, taught by Lisa Larson, M.A., Animal Communicator and Reiki Master. She is excited to add this new form of energy healing to her knowledge base, as she has always had a deep love and respect for animals.
Kathleen also has professional career accomplishments across several areas. Her work experience and love for hard work began early in life, as she worked on her family farm as a child and teenager, and as a Certified Nurse’s Aide in high school. She continued her education and became a Commercial Airline pilot, flying for a major airline. Most recently she has been teaching elementary school grades one through five for the past 17 years, having received a MA in education. All of these past and present experiences have given Kathleen the opportunity to raise her level of awareness and hone her skills in relating to people of various backgrounds, occupations, and age groups.
Kathleen enjoys gardening, working outdoors, card making, and listening to podcasts to increase her knowledge in areas relating to health and healing. After beginning a yoga practice several years ago, she decided to pursue her yoga instructor certification. She also became certified in social-emotional learning, having noticed a significant increase in the need for these skills in the past few years as an elementary school teacher.
Kathleen is so grateful she was introduced to energy healing over 20 years ago, and is happy to be in a position to help others on their journey to health, and ultimately to a deeply fulfilling life!

Kathleen’s Healing Story

My healing journey started over 20 years ago. At that time, I was flying as a commercial airline pilot and would suffer from numerous severe sinus infections annually. At the time I didn’t realize to what extent foods could cause health challenges. Shortly thereafter, I eliminated dairy from my diet, and the sinus infections were substantially mitigated. 
Later, in my mid-thirties, I was struggling with energy levels. Some days I struggled to even get out of bed. Also, I had severe symptoms during my cycle that would often cause me to miss several days of work, as I would need to be home in bed and could not function. I was quickly becoming discouraged, and resorted to driving a long distance to a functional medicine doctor, as I was seeking help to alleviate my symptoms. While some improvements were noted, nothing compared to the help received from Dr Carolee Johnson and Beth Daniel Jones. Some of my issues Best Healing Solutions practitioners have addressed have been hormonal balancing, anxiety, joint pain, digestive health, food cravings, migraines, relational issues, to name a few. I now feel more centered, positive, and healthier than I have at any other time in my life, including my youth.
I’m so grateful to have found Best Healing Solutions, and am eagerly anticipating the opportunity help others on their healing journey!

Session Information

After completing the Session Request Form and New Client History Form, text, email or call your Practitioner of Choice. Your Practitioner will contact you to set up your initial BHS phone session!

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